วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

2.11 Nouns (Page 102)

Singular and Plural Nouns

This table shows how to change Singular nouns into Plural nouns

Type of Noun
Plural form
Most nouns
By adding –s to the  word
hen-hens, tree-trees, bag-bags
Nouns ending in a consonant and –y
By replacing –y with –i and adding –es to the word
butterfly-butterflies, army-armies, baby-babies
Nouns ending in a vowel and –y
By adding –s to the word
monkey-monkeys, day-days, toy-toys
Nouns ending in –o
By adding –s or –es
video-videos, potato-potatoes, mosquito-mosquitoes
Nouns ending in –sh, -ch, -x, -s, -ss
By adding –es
Box-boxes, brush-brushes, stitch-stitches
Nouns ending in –f or –fe
By changing the –f or –fe to –v and adding –es
calf-calves, wolf-wolves, hoof-hooves
Compound nouns
By adding –s to the main word
Irregular nouns
No particular rule to the change into plural form
goose-geese, child-children, mouse-mice, man-men
Same form for singular and plural
No change to the word
deer-deer, bison-bison


A. Complete the sentences by using the plural form of the word given in the brackets.

1. The ….dogs…. (dog) fought over a bone.

 2. This book is full of amazing ….stories…. (story).

3.  Get me a couple of books form those ….shelves…. (shelf).

4. The farmer bought a pair of ….oxen…. (ox) from the neighbouring town.

5. None of the ….switches…. (switch) in this roomis working.

6. How many ….countries…. (country) participated in the World Cup Tournament?

7. Please clear the ….dishes…. (dish) from the table.

8. What are your ….hobbies…. (hobby)?

9. The ground is covered with dry ….leaves…. (leaf).

10. The shepherd was worried that he had lost ten ….sheep…. (sheep).

